terça-feira, outubro 13, 2020

Não percebo


Tinha lido o título mas não consegui, durante o dia, mais do que isso. Agora que consigo navegar por entre as notícias do mundo fui ver se tinha sonhado ou se tinha mesmo acontecido. Aconteceu. Leio a notícia, vejo o filme e, ainda assim, continuo incrédula. O bolinhas babacas bobão Kim Jong-un, perante uma daquelas fofésimas multidões coloridas de bichinhos e carrinhos amestrados, a pedir desculpa com a lagriminha no canto do olho. 

Não sei se é real, se é delírio colectivo ou se é mais uma das manifestações de desordem mental que o corona anda a causar pelo mundo inteiro. 

Speaking at a huge military parade held at the weekend to mark the 75th anniversary of the ruling Workers’ party, Kim removed his glasses and wiped away tears – an indication, analysts say, of mounting pressure on his regime.

“Our people have placed trust, as high as the sky and as deep as the sea, in me, but I have failed to always live up to it satisfactorily,” he said, according to a translation of his comments in the Korea Times. “I am really sorry for that.”

Citing his grandfather and father – North Korea’s previous two leaders – Kim continued: “Although I am entrusted with the important responsibility to lead this country upholding the cause of the great comrades Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il thanks to the trust of all the people, my efforts and sincerity have not been sufficient enough to rid our people of the difficulties in their lives.”


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