No Expresso:
Em comunicado, um porta-voz da Mossack Fonseca disse que a firma conduziu "as devidas diligências de forma minuciosa com todos os nossos novos e potenciais clientes, que muitas vezes excedem em rigor as regras e padrões atualmente existentes a que nós e outros estamos vinculados. Muitos dos nossos clientes vêm [até à Mossack Fonseca] através de firmas de advogados de renome em todo o mundo, incluindo os principais bancos correspondentes, que também estão abrangidos pelos protocolos internacionais ‘conhece o teu cliente’ e pelas suas próprias regulações e leis domésticas.” (...)
Um site a acompanhar: o do ICIJ, o International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
O que é o ICIJ?
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a global network of more than 190 investigative journalists in more than 65 countries who collaborate on in-depth investigative stories.
Founded in 1997 by the respected American journalist Chuck Lewis, ICIJ was launched as a project of the Center for Public Integrity to extend the Center’s style of watchdog journalism, focusing on issues that do not stop at national frontiers: cross-border crime, corruption, and the accountability of power. Backed by the Center and its computer-assisted reporting specialists, public records experts, fact-checkers and lawyers, ICIJ reporters and editors provide real-time resources and state-of-the-art tools and techniques to journalists around the world. (...)
Porque é que o ICIJ existe?
The need for such an organization has never been greater. Globalization and development have placed extraordinary pressures on human societies, posing unprecedented threats from polluting industries, transnational crime networks, rogue states, and the actions of powerful figures in business and government.
The news media, hobbled by short attention spans and lack of resources, are even less of a match for those who would harm the public interest. Broadcast networks and major newspapers have closed foreign bureaus, cut travel budgets, and disbanded investigative teams. We are losing our eyes and ears around the world precisely when we need them most.
Our aim is to bring journalists from different countries together in teams - eliminating rivalry and promoting collaboration. Together, we aim to be the world’s best cross-border investigative team. (...)
Apelo à 'Fuga' de informação
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists encourages whistleblowers everywhere to securely submit all forms of content that might be of public concern - documents, photos, video clips as well as story tips.
We accept all information that relates to potential wrongdoing by corporate, government or public service entities in any country, anywhere in the world. We do our utmost to guarantee the confidentiality of our sources.
Our motives are squarely aimed at uncovering important government and corporate activities that might otherwise go unreported, from corruption involving public officials to systemic failure to protect the rights of individuals. Journalists from the relevant countries will evaluate and pursue all leads and content submitted and, if merited, report on these issues.
There are basic safety measures you can take to protect yourself when giving information to ICIJ. For instance, details of phone calls made from a large building are often recorded on the building's electronic systems. There is nothing sinister in this. But it is safer to use a public phone when contacting a reporter, just as it is safer to use an internet cafe when sending files. (...)
As consequências do escândalo começam a surgir
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Protesters in front of the Icelandic Parliament call for the resignation of Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson on April 4, 2016 |
E sobre as vítimas de toda esta pouca vergonha à escala global?
Panama papers: As vítimas dos Offshores
Vídeo a ver
The Panama Papers is a global investigation into the sprawling, secretive industry of offshore that the world's rich and powerful use to hide assets and skirt rules by setting up front companies in far-flung jurisdictions.
Based on a trove of more than 11 million leaked files, the investigation exposes a cast of characters who use offshore companies to facilitate bribery, arms deals, tax evasion, financial fraud and drug trafficking.
Behind the email chains, invoices and documents that make up the Panama Papers are often unseen victims of wrongdoing enabled by this shadowy industry. This is their story.
E, para que nem tudo sejam desgraças neste post, que entre o meu ídolo
E, para que nem tudo sejam desgraças neste post, que entre o meu ídolo
João Vuvu e a mulher-a-dias em conversa na sala de estar, a meio de uma pausa para limonadas
Vejo isto e até me esqueço das big lavandarias de dinheiros obscuros.
Este post vem na continuação deste outro
(também com os Panama Papers e com João de Deus, outros dos alter ego de João César Monteiro).
2 comentários:
Este último filme peca por seriedade. Quem são os principais produtores e exportadores de armas, ou armamento? O Ocidente - EUA/UE. Quem desestabilizou aquelas regiões onde alguns dos mais violentos conflitos acontecem e se prolongam desde há anos, como no Iraque, Síria, Líbia, etc. Onde se encontra o dinheiro dos traficantes de armas, de drogas, das fraudes fiscais, da fuga ao fisco, de todo o tipo de crimes fiscais e outros? Nos tais Off-Shore com ligações aos Bancos europeus, norte-americanos, etc. Porque não se acaba com esses paraísos fiscais? Porque dá jeito. Para os negócios escuros e sujos e para esconder fortunas. Os G20, ou G7, FMI, UE, etc, têm soluções para o problema? Nem querem saber! Sabe UJM, daqui a pouco tempo ninguém vai querer saber disto. Pela simples razão de que quem poderia pôr cobro a tudo isso, os diversos governos, não o irão fazer. O Capital tem mais força que os governos. É ele que manda. E que controla o negócio de armamento. Os governos hoje estão de cócaras perante ele.
G20…aucune decision sérieuse por résouder la crise… Il n’a abouti pour l’instant qu’a un meilleur controle des paradis fiscaux non alglo-saxons et non chinois…
“Demain, qui gouvernera le monde?”
Jacques Attali
(Avril 2012)
Comme dans tous les «coeurs» precedents, le declin commencera à se manifester par des mouvements au coeur du «coeur», parmi les exclus.
"..." da minha parte.
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